In any industry, the desire to constantly learn more about what you are doing is essential to success. Doctors need to know the latest medical advances. Teachers need to know the best methods for teaching a child to read. And bloggers? Well, professional bloggers need to know how to most effectively reach their audience, grow their blog, and make money. With blogging, the industry is constantly changing, so it’s essential to stay on top of the latest trends.
But before you can follow the latest trends, you’ve got to get the basics down. When I first started blogging, I read everything. I read tons of books, blogs, articles, really — everything! I feel like that was one of my “tickets” to success. I still read a lot about blogging as I continue to try and evolve our business, and I’ve found several blogging books that I think every blogger should read. Whether you are just starting out, or hoping to mold your brand even further, these are all excellent books. They are worth the investment!
I’ve included my affiliate links, but I have not been asked to promote any of these books.
How to Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul by Ruth Soukup
This is one of the first blogging books I read, and it’s definitely one of the best. Ruth is the creator of, and this book is a gold mine of information. I think beginning and advanced bloggers can learn a lot. She recently released a second edition that has even more great information.
How I Made $40k in My First Year of Blogging
This book was written by a friend of mine, and holy cow – mind blown! She has done an incredible job with her blog in her first year, and she doesn’t hold anything back when it comes to sharing her knowledge in this book. Chelsea is the blogger behind Chelsea’s Messy Apron, and she goes through each month of her first year of blogging, and shares her successes, failures, and what she wish she knew. I learned some great tips from her, and I’ve been recommending it to everyone. You’ll love how transparent she is! Definitely put this on your list to read.
ProBlogger is one of my favorite go-to sites for blogging information, and it’s for good reason! This ebook has great information. After reading it, you’ll be a huge fan of this guy, and feel empowered to great your own blogging empire!
Even if you aren’t a food photographer, if you are looking to improve your photography for your blog, this ebook is awesome. It was written by Lindsay from Pinch of Yum. I’m not 100% food blooger, but I found her tips to be very helpful for all around improving my photography. I never could figure out how to download it to my Kindle, so I’ve just read it on my computer…but it’s still a good one!
This one might be a little more specific toward women bloggers, who also are mothers, but it was a pretty inspiring book. I found that she gave a lot of tips for balancing blogging with personal life, which is something that can be hard to do!
This was written as a colloboration effort of a bunch of different bloggers, many of which are friends of mine! It has some excellent information from a variety of different perspectives, and the contributors are bloggers from a bunch of different niches.
I felt like there was some great information in this book as well. It’s probably not #1 on my list, but I feel like it’s really well written.
My Blog Traffic Sucks
8 Simple Steps to Get 100,000 Blog Visitors without Working 8 Days a Week
If you’d like to be included on this list, please email me at katie @ thebloghelp (dot) com. I will review your book and see if it fits my requirements for this list at that point. Thanks!