Many Bloggers will attest to getting a majority of their traffic from Pinterest. Although it's undergone some major changes in the past year or so, and it may not be as amazing in some ways as it used to be, it's still a major driver of traffic that you can't afford to overlook.
There's hundreds of articles out there about Pinterest strategy and the best Pinterest scheduler. I've read many of them myself - and most of them tell you the same thing: verify your website, get rich pins, pin vertical
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Target Readers and Increase Revenue with Custom Sidebars
The first hurdle when building your website traffic is getting people to come to your site. The second? To stay on your site and come back again and again. In my post on how to increase blog traffic, I mention several different ways to make your site more sticky. One of the things I addressed was creating custom sidebars, which I think are great for keeping people engaged and clicking around more on your website.
Basically, by creating a custom sidebar, you can make sure people are seeing more
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5 Ways to Improve Your Blog to Increase Blog Traffic
It's been over two and a half years since I started Clarks Condensed. I seriously can't believe it. When I started out blogging (at least on Clarks Condensed - I have blogged on a variety of different sites since 2008), I knew that I wanted to make something of it, but I had NO idea that it would come to support our family completely. There's been a lot of ups and downs, but in the end, it's a journey and experience I wouldn't trade for anything.
While I am constantly trying to come up with new
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How I Monetize Our Blog – The Details
I'm in a lot of Facebook groups for bloggers, and these groups have varying levels of bloggers. There are people who are just getting interested in blogging, and there are others who make six (and even seven) figures from blogging. There's definitely a huge range!
Something that I find most valuable in this group is when people are transparent and willing to share their tips for success and monetizing a blog. I've always felt so blessed by our success with blogging, that it feels almost selfish
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5 Simple Steps to Start a Blog
Despite what you might think, starting a blog isn't really that hard. Maintaining a blog, growing your readership, and monetizing your blog? Now, that's a little more difficult. However, starting one? Pretty simple.
But before any great blog becomes a great blog, it has to be created. And there are just a few simple steps one should follow in order to be start on the best foot possible. Lucky for you, I've been in the beginning stages of many blogs (including my own), so I've got this
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Why Your Traffic May Have Dropped After Moving from Blogger to WordPress
Did you recently switch from Blogger to WordPress and see a huge drop in stats? Here's a few reasons why that may have happened (and how to remedy it.)
Not a day goes by that I don't see someone on Facebook talking about how their traffic plummeted after they were moved from Blogger to WordPress. This can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you are trying to grow your blog and make money!
When I moved from Blogger to WordPress, my traffic increased. I didn't see the big drop others had
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Three Ways to Make a Mobile Friendly Website
More than likely, the majority of your site visitors are visiting your site on a mobile device. For our site, Clarks Condensed, we get about 70% of our traffic from mobile devices. After talking with others, this is definitely the norm. Because of this, ensuring your viewer's mobile experience is pleasant is more important than ever.
I've looked into a lot of different options and weighed the pros and cons of most of them. I've come to the conclusion that there is no perfect solution, but a lot
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Best Blogging Books Every Blogger Should Read
In any industry, the desire to constantly learn more about what you are doing is essential to success. Doctors need to know the latest medical advances. Teachers need to know the best methods for teaching a child to read. And bloggers? Well, professional bloggers need to know how to most effectively reach their audience, grow their blog, and make money. With blogging, the industry is constantly changing, so it's essential to stay on top of the latest trends.
But before you can follow the latest
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Blogging 101: Everything You Need to Know to Start a Blog
Be sure to check out our Blogging Resources page on The Blog Help for our favorite products and services to get your blog off on the right foot!
We've been blogging professionally since 2013, and in that time, we've made a successful business that has allowed us to work from home and have a fabulously flexible life. We are constantly being asked how we did it, and if others can do it as well.
Yes, yes they can. Does it require a lot of work? You better believe it. But if you truly have a
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How to Make Money Blogging
A few months ago, my friend Katelyn from What's Up, Fagans? mentioned on Facebook how she was grateful for the income she was able to bring in from blogging. A few people quickly asked her to tell them what she did to make money blogging. While I'm sure people are generally interested a lot, a lot of people seem to think it's a get rich quick scheme.
Well, let me dispel the rumor right now - blogging is not a get rich quick scheme.
Developing a blog, a following, and promoting your posts
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How to Fix the ?m=1 Blogger Mobile Redirect Problem
One of my areas of expertise are Blogger to WordPress transfers. As such, I've encountered just about every problem and error that can come from moving your blog to Blogger from WordPress. In short, you should not see a drop in traffic. If you do, something has gone wrong with the transfer.
The single most common issue I find people having is that their Blogger Mobile Redirect (Blogger adds a ?m=1 to the end of these links) is not redirecting correctly. This never happened until a few months
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How to Make Money on Popular Posts with Media.Net
In the past several months I saw a decrease in earnings. After talking with my account manager and a few others, I found a new technique you may want to consider trying. After you've been running the tags for awhile, take the code from your top performing post and add it to the other popular posts. This has proven successful for many. Also ask your account manager to make sure you have asynchronous codes.
Affiliate links are use in this post
I'm always trying to find new ways to increase
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